Case Definitions
loose motion (fluid stool) more than three time within 24 hours / with or without some
dehydration means ( dry mouth, thirsty, rapid pulse rate)
Signs & Symptoms
- abdominal discomfort
- abdominal pain
- nausea and vomiting
- dizziness
- profuse sweating
- faint
- loose motion with watery or mucus
- breathlessness
- fever
Preventions & Control Measeuremesnt
treatment ** timely inform, fluid replacement (ORS), timely referral / prevention and control **
vaccination, water senitation, proper waste disposal, timely information, coordination and
coorporation with local residents, health education to public
hypovolumic shock and death, can transmitt to others as a outbreak (public acquired disease)
Case Definitions
Severe loose motion (fluid stool) with severe dehydration means (thirsty, sucken eye, less
urination, skin goes back slowly, fatigue and weakness)
Signs & Symptoms
- abdominal discomfort
- abdominal pain
- nausea and vomiting
- dizziness
- profuse sweating
- faint
- loose motion with watery or mucus
- breathlessness
- cold and clammy extrimities
- low BP sunken eyes
- skin goes back slowly
- rapid pulse rate
Preventions & Control Measeuremesnt
treatment ** timely inform, fluid replacement (ORS), timely referral / prevention and control **
vaccination, water senitation, proper waste disposal, timely information, coordination and
coorporation with local residents, health education to public
shock and death, can transmitt to others as a outbreak (public acquire disease)